Your Planning Roadmap Workshop
A step-by-step process to plot out your content, campaigns and promotions for the next six months.
Does this sound familiar?
- You have your brand in place including your logo and website.
- You post to Facebook and Instagram sporadically.
- You send a newsletter out when you have something to sell.
- You don't have a funnel for your newsletter sign-ups.
- You never add any new content to your website, EVER.
- You don't have any of your workflows in place.
- You feel overwhelmed and totally disorganized.
- You aren't making the money you deserve.
So here's the cold hard truth!
You will never be successful to your fullest capabilities without a plan. How do I know this? Because I feel the same way and I've made changes that have helped me immensely.
What I've done is combine my experience as a traffic manager for one of Nashville's largest ad agencies and my experience working with my own design clients to develop a Roadmap that will help you once and for all get organized, ahead of the game, on top of your campaigns, events and promotions and on and on and on!!!
The results of having a plan
- Save time because I teach you how to batch (doing similar tasks all at once instead of doing them one at a time) your content.
- Keep from bombarding your audience with push tactics like only showing up when you have something to sell.
- Organize all your promotions and campaigns and back them up with all your communications channels.
- Know where you are making money and if you need to increase your prices or offer more services, products or information.
- Save money because the more organized you are, the more time you can spend doing what you're good at.
Roadmap Plan Packages
How to get a step-by-step process to create your roadmap
Set Up your Systems (one-offs)
PRICE $250
Two, 1-hour LIVE online sessions
Choose from one of the following and I'll teach you how to set it up one step at a time in bite-size morsels.
- Blog
- Newsletter
- Social Media
- Lead Generation
- Email Sequences
Batch your Work
Price $150
One, 1-hour LIVE online session
You've set up your systems, now it's time to learn how to batch. Batching is when you sit down and work on one thing at a time. For instance you may batch your social media once a week. You may take all of your photos on another day.
Get the work done with batching.
Promotional Calendar and/or
Content Calendar Planning
Go a little deeper and plan out the next six months. Determine how you will make money, get it all done and map it out.
- Determine your promotions
- Figure out what ways to make money... like create a course, sell a new product, and/or develop a new service package.
- Identify what prep actions you need to do to support your main promotion
- Take a step back and see how realistic the plan is
- Get it all on a calendar and revise as necessary
Need help weaving in your regular content for the next six months? You'll need a full day to get this all done.